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Let's talk


Polaris Literary Magazine

ONU English Department
525 South Main St.

Ada, Ohio 45810



Submissions are now OPEN or the 2018-2019 edition of Polaris.

Note: Only previously unpublished work will be accepted. We look forward to

receiving your submissions. 


Prizes awarded in each genre:
1st place - $100 

2nd place - $50.
Prizes are awarded by genre editors.

Winners will be published in Polaris, and all contest entries will be considered for publication. 

There is no monetary compensation for general acceptances, only prize winners will receive the previously mentioned amounts. 



Submission Guidelines*:

  •    Nonfiction: Up to 2,500 words, humor, travel narrative, et cetera. Multiple submissions of nonfiction will be accepted if all works together meet or are under the word count.

  •    Fiction: Up to 2,500 words, open to anything with an interesting voice including absurdist, experimental, flash, et cetera. Multiple submissions of fiction will be accepted if all works together meet or are under the word count.

  •    Poetry: Submit 3-5 poems, free verse, experimental, prose poetry, et cetera.

    • If you do not include at least three poems in your submission, it will automatically be rejected. 

  •    Visual Art: Up to 3 works per artist, .TIFF or .JPEG files, all media are acceptable. Artists should also include a Microsoft Word document containing their name, the titles and media of works submitted, and a brief artist’s statement.

*Please do not attach any media in your nonfiction, fiction, or poetry submissions. Any other media besides the submission will not be published.


Please include a cover sheet that includes the following:
   Author’s name (should not appear anywhere else on the document)

Brief author biography
   Genre & Title of Work(s)
   Mailing Address
   E-mail Address
   Phone Number
   Affiliated Undergraduate Institution


Pieces must be submitted via e-mail attachment in either a docx or pdf file unless otherwise specified. Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction pieces should be submitted in a single document per genre.


Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but the author must notify us immediately if
his/her work is accepted for publication elsewhere. Contributors will be notified if their submissions were accepted by Polaris via e-mail.


Authors may submit to no more than two genres at a time.


If you wish to view previously accepted work, please visit the Sample Work page.


Again, only previously unpublished work will be accepted. Submissions without cover sheets or from non-undergraduate students WILL NOT be accepted.


Send submissions to:




Visual Art:


For general questions, contact



Polaris Literary Magazine 2016 | Ohio Northern University English Department |

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